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Written By

Adam Ryan

The Founder's Dilemmas

Writer's picture: Adam RyanAdam Ryan

Updated: Nov 2, 2021

Founders must deal with and address a series of hurdles or some say head winds when starting a business. None more than coming to the realisation they need help.

There is always huge excitement the moment a budding entrepreneur realises they have a business idea that they truly believe can have an impact, change the world even.

It can be all consuming and somewhat blinding at various stages, although the vision is crystal clear to them.

However, reality can soon bite when the founder realises they can't do it on their own. They need capital, need to operationalise the business, get the right structures in place, do they bring in partners and many more important questions, just to highlight a few.

Although all important decisions a Founder needs to make, none of these answer the real questions such as, that are what problems being solved for customers in order to create value and will they pay for it, not to mention will the business scale.

Combined with all of this, there are countless pot holes founders need to navigate.

One false move can be fatal at various stages and others which might appear disastrous are recoverable, with the right thinking and action

The Founders Dilemmas Noam Wasserman Watkins Bay
The Founders Dilemmas Noam Wasserman

For all budding Founders may we suggest a terrific book by Naom Wasserman called, "The Founder's Dilemmas: Anticipating and Avoiding the Pitfalls That Can Sink a Startup".

Truly an enlightening read and well worth the investment of a few dollars.

We have shared the link to Amazon for ease of purchase: The Founder's Dilemma.


About the Author

Adam Ryan is a Professor of Practice (Adjunct Professor) at Monash University and is a principal at Watkins Bay. He has over twenty years of start-up experience in Australia and the USA. An expert in company structuring for innovation, high growth strategy and capital for early to growth stage businesses.


Contact Details

Australia +61 (0) 418 325 387

USA + 1 (858) 252-0954


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Written By

Adam Ryan


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